Royalla Rockstar with Glenford Patsy

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Sire - Royalla Rockstar K274
Registration (Canadian) Z210592

An exciting young Australian sire from Royalla! He is showing positive traits for calving ease and birth weight as well as being a very structurally correct sound moving bull. Jaimie Chouhan (Dan Stevenson’s daughter) travelled several hours to the see him and his dam in quarantine while visiting Australia and was so excited to see such an attractive correct bull. He has recently been DNA tested and confirmed homozygous polled to further add to his appeal.

Dam - Glenford Patsy 9Z
Registration (Canadian) F690230

Patsy 9Z is a very rare cow at Glenford. Out of circa 300 Shorthorns she was one of only two roans we saw; the Shorthorn herd at Glenford are 99% red. When we viewed her in 2016 she had a tremendous calf at foot, and had an awful lot of the traits that we are looking for in our donor cows. It was also hard to ignore the fact that Glen and Ryan would not have retained a road in their red herd of cows by chance.

Breeding Notes

This pairing using Australian genetics from Royalla with Canadian genetics from Glenford is one we plan to watch closely. The recipe here is a double headed coin, capable of producing a beast for the show ring and one with beef performance I mind.

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