Crooked Post Drover 29D

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Pedigree use: £400 for a minimum of 10 straws plus delivery and VAT
Commercial use: £750 for a minimum of 50 straws plus delivery and VAT

Drover is a direct descendant from the great Crooked Post Stockman 4Z, who was not eligible for semen collection for importing into the UK and Europe. We liked everything about Stockman including temperament, size, structure, fleshing and locomotion. Drover although only a young bull on our first viewing also exhibited early signs of his sires attributes. His sire certainly put his stamp on his progeny. The benefit we also saw so in Drover was his mother, Crooked Post Lass 44W. She had great locomotion, a very good top line with depth and a great udder, she was also from a very strong female line with lots of Drover’s siblings being retained in the herd.

This semen is only available through ourselves at Wenmar Beef Shorthorns

Drover has zero Myostan and is tested clear of genetic defects DS, PHA and TH. When we viewed Drover a year later we decided that he actually had developed well and was as good a bet and possibly better suited to our requirements than his sire Stockman. We at that point decided to collect semen from Drover for importing into the UK and Europe.

We have semen available for sale in the UK that can also be exported into Europe offered in minimum batches of 10 straws. Under strict conditions this semen is also available for commercial use.

Pedigree of Crooked Post Drover 29D

    Belmore Jackaroo Z109
      Trevino Actress 104th
  Crooked Post Stockman 4Z
      Waukaru Gold Mine 2109
    Crooked Post Red Rose 4U
      Crooked Post Red Rose 48S
Crooked Post Drover 29D
      Waukaru Gold Mine 2109
    Crooked Post Gold Mine 9S
      Crooked Post Hope 30M
  Crooked Post Lass 44W

K-Kim Dillon 21l

    Waukaru Lassie 334
      Waukaru Lassie 453

Crooked Post Drover General Profile

Igenity DNA Case File No: DG16B109071 (THF, PHAF, DSF)
Birth Weight (Adjusted): 39kg
Weaning Weight (205 Day Adjusted): 348kg
Yearling Weight (365 Day Adjusted): 580kg
Scrotal Measurement (13 Months): 40cm

Crooked Post Drover EPD Profile

(CED) Calving Ease Direct: 11 (top 10% of the breed)
(BW)Birthweight: 0.3 (top 25% of the breed)
(WW) Weaning Weight: 66 (top 10% of the breed)
(YW) Yearling Weight: 77 (top 15%)
(MK) Milk: 28 (top 1%)
(TM) Total Maternal: 60 (top 1%)
(CEM) Calving Ease Maternal: 8 (top 2%)
(ST) Stayability: 11 (top 15%)
(CW) Carcass Weight: 15 (top 25%)
(REA) Ribeye Area: 0.13 (top 20%)
(MB) Marbling: 0.03 (top 55%)
(FT) Fat: -0.04 (top 40%)
($CEZ) Calving Ease Profit: 35.67 (top 20%)
($BMI) British Maternal Index Profit: 159.56 (top 1%)
($F) Feedlot Profit: 58.53 (top 10%)

Trait Rankings vs Breed Average

Green Line:Represents the breed average (50th percentile)
Red Line:Represents the current % rank as determined by the epd value
Yellow Band:Range of potential % rank based on possible change expected based on current accuracy. As more data is received and incorporated into the NCE, the band will shrink. The red band should position somewhere inside the current band.

Dam - Crooked Post Lassie 44W (Canada X-*F686871)

Production Career: 7 years of production
8 weaned calves
Average calving interval 377 days
Production Years: First calf was a herd sire to Kenlene Shorthorns, Alberta, Canada
Second and third calves, heifer twins, sold as breeding females to Green Ranches, Alberta and Westridge Shorthorns, N. Dakota
Fourth calf was a herd sire to 3D Ranches, Saskatchewan
Fifth calf was a herd sire to Lund Farms, Alberta
Sixth calf is a breeding female at Crooked Post Shorthorns, Alberta
Seventh calf is Crooked Post Drover 29D
Eighth calf is a replacement female at Crooked Post Shorthorns
Ninth calf due March 2018 by Crooked Post Stockman 4Z

A coming 9 year old female who continues to produce at the top end. Her dam is still going strong as she approaches 15 years old and who was recognized in 2016 by the American Shorthorn Association as a Pace Performance Dam. In seven years of production, she has weaned 8 calves, with an average calving interval of 377 days. Of the 8 weaned, 4 bulls and 4 heifers, the bulls had an average birth weight of 41kg and a 205 day weaning weight of 362kgs, with the heifers having an average birth weight of 35kgs and 205 weaning weight of 304kgs.

Sire - Crooked Post Stockman 4Z

Crooked Post Stockman is a dynamically balanced sire with exceptional prepotency to stamp in maternal calving ease, growth, fleshing ability, docility and overall structural soundness. In addition to recently being ASA nominated into the comprehensive 2018 University of Illinois Sire Test, Crooked Post continue to receive feedback from herds around the world that Stockman is a serious red meat performance bull who will continue to play a large role in many of the herds that utilize his service. After Crooked Post Stockman was analysed and assessed by Ian Walsh of Falkirk Scientific Foundation in New Zealand, Mr. Walsh provided the following summary, "Stockman 4Z appears to be medium framed with excellent depth particularly the shoulder and girth region. His mobility suggests a correct structural configuration with a full but smooth and optimal shoulder formation. Stockman 4Z’s muscularity is ideal with ample expression illustrated. A well-balanced sire that deserves consideration for your stud as an improver."

Sire Video (added January 2018)

Sire EPD Profile

(CED) Calving Ease Direct: 14 (top 5% of the breed) *
(BW)Birthweight: -1.1 (top 15% of the breed)
(WW) Weaning Weight: 66 (top 15% of the breed) *
(YW) Yearling Weight: 79 (top 20%) *
(MK) Milk: 23 (top 10%) *
(TM) Total Maternal: 56 (top 4%) *
(CEM) Calving Ease Maternal: 8 (top 4%) *
(ST) Stayability: 9 (top 30%)
(CW) Carcass Weight: 14 (top 40%)
(REA) Ribeye Area: 0.13 (top 10%)
(MB) Marbling: -0.01 (top 60%)
(FT) Fat: -0.02 (top 80%)
($CEZ) Calving Ease Profit: 45.04 (top 10%) *
($BMI) British Maternal Index Profit: 153.61 (top 2%) *
($F) Feedlot Profit: 58.15 (top 15%) *
* 2018 American Shorthorn Association Sire Summary Trait Leader

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Semen Offer

Get 10% extra semen for free with our early bird offer. Place and pay for any semen orders before the end of April 2020 for an extra 10% free. This offer is as simple as that, order, pay and get 10% extra semen completely free.

You can also save with a special offer on one our feature bulls, Crooked Post Drover. Every 100th straw of Drovers semen sold entitles the purchaser to a 50% discount off their next semen order. This offer applies to semen orders for pedigree use only.

Semen Purchase

Pedigree use semen from our bulls is available in minimum quantities of 10 straws from any one bull. Commercial use semen from our bulls is available in minimum quantities of 50 straws from any one bull. Purchasers of commercial use semen will be required to sign a disclosure document agreeing to a terms of use statement.

Semen delivery can be made anywhere in the mainland UK for an inclusive cost of £75. For all orders over £1000, shipping is free in the mainland UK. Northern Ireland and export orders are available, quote on request.

Semen Sales

Woodstock Bower Farm are now able to offer, direct from centres in the UK, Beef Shorthorn semen from North America, Canada and Australia. We have, over the last few years, visited farms and exhibitions in Canada and North America selecting genetics which we feel will assist in enhancing our Shorthorn breed here in the UK. Please contact us for pricing and straw availability.

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