Save Money! Before placing your order or making a payment speak with Martyn by phone for this week's special offers.
Pedigree use: £400 for a minimum of 10 straws plus delivery and VAT
Commercial use: £750 for a minimum of 50 straws plus delivery and VAT
Qantas is 100% Australian breeding from two of the renowned Australian herds Marellan and Royalla. These two herds offer immense depth in proven genetics gained over many years of successful Shorthorn breeding. We watched Qantas develop at Shadybrook from seeing him first as a calf through to him being their senior herd sire. We decided to import his semen after viewing his progeny. Qantas has zero Myostan and is tested clear of genetic defects DS, PHA and TH. Whenever we viewed him he was a quiet well behaved bull and certainly put shape and style into his progeny. He had an excellent show career being awarded Junior Champion bull as a calf at the Toronto Winter Fair, and then went onto prove himself as an excellent herd sire.
This semen is only available through ourselves at Wenmar Beef Shorthorns
Semen Availability
We have semen available for sale in the UK that can also be exported into Europe offered in minimum batches of 10 straws. Under strict conditions this semen is also available for commercial use.