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Pedigree use: £250 for a minimum of 10 straws plus delivery and VAT
Commercial use: £750 for a minimum of 50 straws plus delivery and VAT
Beefeater was used extensively in our herd and also by Jack and Grace Ramsay at Milerston. We bred his mother was from one of best female lines when we were based on the Isle of Man. His sire was interbreed beef champion at the RHS, East of England and GYS shows all in the same year! Beefeater was a large easy fleshing deep bull with a great back end, he had zero myostatin and put his stamp across all of his progeny. Beefeater had a great temperament, his semen will continue to be used within our herd for years to come.
This semen is only available through ourselves at Wenmar Beef Shorthorns
Semen Availability
We have semen available for sale on the mainland UK in minimum batches of 10 straws. Under strict conditions this semen is also available for commercial use.