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Pedigree use: £400 for a minimum of 10 straws plus delivery and VAT
Commercial use: £750 for a minimum of 50 straws plus delivery and VAT
Drover is a direct descendant from the great Crooked Post Stockman 4Z, who was not eligible for semen collection for importing into the UK and Europe. We liked everything about Stockman including temperament, size, structure, fleshing and locomotion. Drover although only a young bull on our first viewing also exhibited early signs of his sires attributes. His sire certainly put his stamp on his progeny. The benefit we also saw so in Drover was his mother, Crooked Post Lass 44W. She had great locomotion, a very good top line with depth and a great udder, she was also from a very strong female line with lots of Drover’s siblings being retained in the herd.
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